🎤  Carolyn Troiano     |  📅  October 25, 2022   |  🕒  11 AM Eastern Time US

Who Should Attend:

  • Information Technology Analysts
  • QC/QA Managers
  • QC/QA Analysts
  • Clinical Data Managers
  • Clinical Data Scientists
  • Analytical Chemists
  • Compliance Managers
  • Laboratory Managers
  • Automation Analysts
  • Manufacturing Managers
  • Manufacturing Supervisors
  • Supply Chain Specialists
  • Computer System Validation Specialists
  • GMP Training Specialists
  • Business Stakeholders responsible for computer system validation planning, execution, reporting, compliance, maintenance and audit
  • Consultants working in the life sciences industry who are involved in computer system implementation, validation and compliance
  • Auditors engaged in the internal inspection of labelling records and practices


This seminar will focus on cybersecurity of medical devices, a key concern for those who develop, manufacture, test, and distribute these products. Protecting medical devices from hacking where someone can alter the actual code embedded in the device could result in injury or death to a patient or consumer. A serious threat, it must be dealt with at all levels to make sure the end product being used by a patient or consumer is perfectly safe and delivers the effective treatment required.

This session will provide some insight into current trends in cybersecurity threats to medical devices and how to follow industry best practices to prevent and/or mitigate these threats. Cybersecurity is a serious concern for medical device safety and effectiveness. Without protection, software running on a medical device could cause severe injury or death to a patient. There are many forms of cybersecurity and many remedies for thwarting attempts to penetrate medical device software. Most of these are based in physical and logical security practices that are becoming best industry practices. This seminar will detail some of the threats and ways to mitigate them to protect consumers from harm.

Areas Covered in the Session : 

Session 1:

  • Cybersecurity and guidance on device software

Session 2:

  • Most common problems faced by the industry in terms of medical device security, efficacy, and safety

Session 3:

  • Best practices and industry standards to meet the challenges of cybersecurity and other threats to devices and software
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